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2024 Testing

Tests & Closing Dates

  • Application Opens June 26th

  • Closes September 16th

  • Test week of October 14th


Select below for access to the application and additional information.


CFTC Logo.jpg

Virtual Testing Information:

All exams will be conducted electronically and you will take the exam in your own home! There will be multiple sessions offered and each will be proctored virtually.  All sessions will be offered during business hours – it is your responsibility to ensure you have the flexibility to test during these times. You will receive an email from IOS Recruitment with instructions on how to schedule and prepare for the exam.  Please read through the instructions carefully before your exam date. Failure to follow the steps outlined may cause the electronic exam to not work properly, potentially resulting in your removal from the testing session.


CoFIRE is a group of 10 agencies that span a large area  from the southern side of Adams County to the northern side of Boulder county. The agencies have collectively hired 118 firefighters in 2016 and 83 Firefighters in 2017. There are 69 career fire stations and several agencies continue to grow in size to meet the needs of their communities.


North Area FIREfighter Testing Consortium

Thanks for submitting!


2022 CoFIRE Testing Consortium

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